About SNORE – Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiasts
Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiasts is a non-profit organization of off road desert racers, their families and off-road enthusiasts. Established in 1969 to encourage off road recreation in the state of Nevada, SNORE is one of the oldest sanctioned off road racing organizations in the world and has grown to be a premier force in the southwest racing arena.
Run by a strictly volunteer Board of Directors and staff, SNORE orchestrates and promotes desert racing in and around the Las Vegas, Nevada area. We use promotion and advertising techniques previously reserved for high density spectator events and combine them with racer and environmentalist input. As we grow, SNORE will continue to provide bigger and better events for its racers and are always willing to accept national sponsorships for them and our series.
Our Philosophy is to provide top quality, world class off road racing events for the racers and spectators and to make those events fun, exciting, safe and most of all, affordable.